About Us
We love to celebrate agriculture!
We love to celebrate agriculture! Our directors and volunteers will be working together to celebrate and educate about agriculture for our upcoming 2025 Ripley Huron Fall Fair. The theme of our 162nd Ripley Huron Fall Fair will be "Till the Cows Come Home" Sept 26-28th 2025.

Please follow our Facebook pages -
Ripley Agricultural Society and
Ripley Agricultural Society Ambassador, Instagram
@ripleyfallfair.ambassador and our website www.ripleyfair.ca in the coming months for notice of our fall fair activities.
Thank You!
The Ripley Agricultural Society would like to thank the Sponsors, Donors,Businesses, Organizations, 4-H Members and Leaders, High School Volunteers and the hundreds of VOLUNTEERS who gave of their time, talents or finances each year to make the Fair a huge success. Thank you to the Township of Huron-Kinloss Council for allowing us the opportunity to expand the Fair and to the Township staff - your cooperation and assistance is greatly appreciated. Our heartfelt Thanks to the volunteers of the Ripley Fire Department, Emergency Medical Services staff who provide a safe environment for our Exhibitors and Patrons. Thank you to our exhibitors, young, old, experienced and new; you are all winners when you participate.
Mission Statement
To inspire life long learning of agriculture and strengthen our community.
Vision Statement
Sustaining our agricultural stakeholders and community with rewarding connections and lifestyle.
Click here to read our Ripley Agricultural Society By-Laws.
RAS Activity Report
Click here to read the RAS 2024 Activity Report.